Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Yesterday was all about choices and I mostly made bad ones. I had a lot of different options I could have chosen and while some were good (skipping breakfast out) some were bad (Del Taco for dinner, not exercising).

I realized last night and again this morning, how many choices I make and how they effect my life. I know, I know, this should seem elementary, but if you look at most people, they don't realize it. For example, I chose to eat 2 1/2 lb. Del Taco burritos. i could have chosen the chili I made or I could have even chosen the tacos, which were less than half the calories. But I didn't, so I ended my day eating 1,950 calories. I could have chosen to exercise after Dave left and the girls went to bed, but instead I chose to sit and watch TV so I ended up burning only about 200 calories yesterday. Those choices will set my weight loss back.

Every choice we make has an effect, whether we realize it or not. It could be good or bad, but it has an effect and I need to see that. I need to realize that the choices I make today not only effect the next 5 to 10 minutes, but the rest of my day, my week, my month, my year and my lifetime. How many times before have I eaten a burger instead of cooking dinner because "I was tired and worn out". I traded a half an hour in my kitchen for pounds on my frame that I now desperately want to be rid of.

Seeing the choices I made yesterday makes me want to make good choices and make them all the time. I need to realize just what an effect even the little choices have on my every day life. Even something as simple as "should I brush my teeth today?" can have huge consequences in the future and so many of us don't even realize it. The choice is ours and ours alone. The choice is mine and mine alone, so the question becomes, am I making a good choice or a bad one? How will this choice effect today, tomorrow, this week, this month, this year and my lifetime?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Not Giving In

This morning was, to put it nicely, a disaster. In the span of 1 hour, we had tantrums (yes multiple), fights (yes multiple) and ended up with Beautiful G being about 5 minutes late for school.

After we dropped her off, it was so tempting to stop and get fast food. I had all my typical reasons. I was hungry (I wasn't, I was stressed, I had breakfast before we left). The weather sucks today and I knew that more than anything, I wanted McDonald's. And it isn't exactly out of my way. Since it's only a few blocks from my house.

But I didn't. I didn't give in. We went straight home. And it felt so good. It felt good to pass it up and know I could. It's probably the 4th or 5th thing I've done in the last week that is toward my health goal instead of away from it. I have been right at my calorie range every day. I've been exercising every day. And I passed on one of my biggest, hardest things. It is empowering to know that I'm really making the right steps.

Now to avoid giving in for lunch or dinner!

Day 2

Sorry I was a bit exhausted last night so this didn't get up.

Breakfast: 3/4 cup cascadian farms chocolate o, 1 medium organic banana and 1/2 cup milk- 264 calories

Lunch: Chicken Salad-190 calories

Snack- 3/4 cup Cinnamon Toast Crunch and 1/2 cup milk-185 calories

Dinner-2 Chicken Enchiladas and 1/2 cup refried beans-886 calories

Total eaten: 1525 calories

Exercise: 30 minutes Wii Fit, 20 minutes elliptical and 5 minutes treadmill. Total burned 498.

I am exceedingly proud I went to the gym but man am I sore today!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Today's Totals-Day 1

Ok, so it's the end of the day! How did I do?

(Note: All calorie counts come from Spark People! You can join too if you are also interested in losing weight! It's free and it keeps track of everything for you. Plus, if, like me, you use your phone as command central, it comes for Android, Blackberry and iPhone!)

Breakfast: 3/4 cup Cascadian Farms Organic Chocolate O's and 1/2 cup Hormone Free Milk-155 calories

Lunch: 3 Hot Dogs and 1 Kashi Go Lean Trail Mix Bar-866 calories

Dinner-1 High Protein Shake (contains organic strawberries, organic fat free yogurt, whey protein powder and organic ground flaxseed)-289 calories

After Dinner Snack-20 M&Ms-206 calories.

Total: 1517

Exercise: NONE. It's Sunday, no formal exercise for me.

Since my BMR is 2160, I burned 643 calories today.

Ok, now to talk about the day as a whole. Like most Sundays, lunch was my heavy meal. It's the big thing on Sunday, since we're all about. I had a very rare quiet Sunday afternoon since Dave took Beautiful G out and Sunshine took her nap. But I didn't get to enjoy it much since I had a roaring headache due to the major weather shift we are having. Nothing was kicking it until well after dinner.

The M&Ms were a "give into temptation" bit. My headache was still blasting away and Sunshine is potty training. With that, we give her M&Ms each time she goes. She went and got her M&M and I grabbed a handful at the same time. I figured it would mess up my calories, but it actually brought me to where I was supposed to be for a daily count. It was still a lot of calories for one handful, but fortunately that one handful was enough for me!

Honestly, I'm proud of myself for today. I didn't go over my calories and a lot of what I ate was organic. I think I need to add at least one fruit or veggie to breakfast and a snack of one or two, but on the whole I did well. Tomorrow I've got 2 hours of exercise scheduled and I may do one more, depending on how I feel in the evening. I'll let you know.

Today has been weird

I have had such a weird but empowering day.
First I went and did some grocery shopping. I mostly bought healthy food although I did get chips for Dave.
As I was shopping, I started getting hungry and as I walked through, I kept thinking about picking up lunch. The fried chicken and deli sandwiches screamed at me. I even called Dave and asked him if he wanted it, so I could justify it. He wasn't interested. And I looked at the food and kept thinking "I know it will taste good but that is so bad for me. Think of what is in that. I don't want that in my body." And I didn't buy it.
Then I came home and had 3 hot dogs (and a Kashi bar). Not exactly healthy. Not great for my body, even if I am in my calorie range.
Then I was clipping coupons like normal and realized I didn't want most of the food. I would cut the coupon and think "am I really going to buy this? It is so bad. I don't want it and I don't want to feed it to the kids. Dave may eat it but I don't want it. Why am I cutting this out if I won't buy it?" It was totally different than I've ever done before. And it felt liberating.

In The Beginning I Had a Middle

I admit, I have wanted to lose weight for the last 5 years, excluding the 9 months I was pregnant with Sunshine. I even started a blog similar to this at one point. But basically all I've done is stay the same or gain weight.
So what makes this one different? Well a bunch of different things. I've been reading lots of books on weight loss, especially those about the health benefits of organics. This also includes everything Jillian Michaels wrote and recently listening to her podcast (expect JM to come up a lot.)
While reading got me part way, the rest was simply a massive desire for change and a few places that encouraged me to change.
First, I was listening to a JM podcast while on the Wii Fit on Friday and a caller asked a question about weight loss but first made a comment. The woman was 200 lbs and about 5 inches shorter than me. The woman stated she had a long journey and JM stopped her. JM told her in no uncertain terms that it wasn't that long and could be done in 3 months.
The woman probably had the same amount of weight to lose as I do. Which means I could do it if I wanted to.
Another thing that hit me was watching the Biggest Loser. No, not the most recent one (although I watch that too) but last night I started watching Season 1 on Hulu Plus. I didn't start watching BL until season 8, so this is a first run for me. With the current shows, everyone has been well over 100+ lbs from their goal weight. With the popularity of the show, it is not a big surprise. But the first season didn't have the fame and took what they could get. Most of the people on were in the 200s and most of them had between 50 to 100 lbs to lose. Some had more, others had less. For the most part, these were people who were where I am right now.
So I am going to do it. Lose 60 lbs in 3 months. So here are my starting stats:
Weight: 219 lbs.
Neck: 16 in
Left arm: 14.25 in.
Right arm: 14.5 in.
Chest: 42.5 in.
Waist: 44 in.
Hips: 48 in.
Left Leg: 24 in.
Right Leg: 26 in.
Ok. Wow. Ok. So here are my goals and my rewards.
Ultimate Goal: Lose 60 lbs.
Ultimate Reward: Own my first bikini since childhood.
Monthly Goal: Lose 20 lbs.
Monthly Reward: New pants and/or shirts.
Weekly Goal: Lose 5 lbs.
Weekly Reward: Still not sure...
Daily Goal: Eat around 1500 calories and burn at least 1000 calories.
Daily Reward: Watch an episode of Biggest Loser.
This will record my eating, my calories burned and most importantly, my emotions as I go through this. I don't promise it will easy (in fact I doubt it will be easy at all)  but that is the plan and it will be here for you to see.