Sunday, May 15, 2011

Today has been weird

I have had such a weird but empowering day.
First I went and did some grocery shopping. I mostly bought healthy food although I did get chips for Dave.
As I was shopping, I started getting hungry and as I walked through, I kept thinking about picking up lunch. The fried chicken and deli sandwiches screamed at me. I even called Dave and asked him if he wanted it, so I could justify it. He wasn't interested. And I looked at the food and kept thinking "I know it will taste good but that is so bad for me. Think of what is in that. I don't want that in my body." And I didn't buy it.
Then I came home and had 3 hot dogs (and a Kashi bar). Not exactly healthy. Not great for my body, even if I am in my calorie range.
Then I was clipping coupons like normal and realized I didn't want most of the food. I would cut the coupon and think "am I really going to buy this? It is so bad. I don't want it and I don't want to feed it to the kids. Dave may eat it but I don't want it. Why am I cutting this out if I won't buy it?" It was totally different than I've ever done before. And it felt liberating.

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