Sunday, May 15, 2011

Today's Totals-Day 1

Ok, so it's the end of the day! How did I do?

(Note: All calorie counts come from Spark People! You can join too if you are also interested in losing weight! It's free and it keeps track of everything for you. Plus, if, like me, you use your phone as command central, it comes for Android, Blackberry and iPhone!)

Breakfast: 3/4 cup Cascadian Farms Organic Chocolate O's and 1/2 cup Hormone Free Milk-155 calories

Lunch: 3 Hot Dogs and 1 Kashi Go Lean Trail Mix Bar-866 calories

Dinner-1 High Protein Shake (contains organic strawberries, organic fat free yogurt, whey protein powder and organic ground flaxseed)-289 calories

After Dinner Snack-20 M&Ms-206 calories.

Total: 1517

Exercise: NONE. It's Sunday, no formal exercise for me.

Since my BMR is 2160, I burned 643 calories today.

Ok, now to talk about the day as a whole. Like most Sundays, lunch was my heavy meal. It's the big thing on Sunday, since we're all about. I had a very rare quiet Sunday afternoon since Dave took Beautiful G out and Sunshine took her nap. But I didn't get to enjoy it much since I had a roaring headache due to the major weather shift we are having. Nothing was kicking it until well after dinner.

The M&Ms were a "give into temptation" bit. My headache was still blasting away and Sunshine is potty training. With that, we give her M&Ms each time she goes. She went and got her M&M and I grabbed a handful at the same time. I figured it would mess up my calories, but it actually brought me to where I was supposed to be for a daily count. It was still a lot of calories for one handful, but fortunately that one handful was enough for me!

Honestly, I'm proud of myself for today. I didn't go over my calories and a lot of what I ate was organic. I think I need to add at least one fruit or veggie to breakfast and a snack of one or two, but on the whole I did well. Tomorrow I've got 2 hours of exercise scheduled and I may do one more, depending on how I feel in the evening. I'll let you know.

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